Coming soon to Ravencon...

From the secret observation station atop Star Mountain, the Principal Investigator fighting the Alien Peril comes forth to find challengers brave enough to face the terrible hybrid of American game shows and extraterrestrial communication, ALIEN PERIL!

Win fabulous prizes worth thousands of Galatic Credits*, laugh at the carnage, yell at the players to bet it all, or earn an audience prize for outwitting the contestants.

* - note Galactic Credits not convertible into real money but their will be prizes!


The game.

The judges select three or four contestants from the audience, based on their ability to answer difficult trivia questions.

There are three rounds of Alien Peril: Peril, Extreme Peril and Ultimate Peril. During Peril, contestants select between answers in random categories. Once the answer is read contestants buzz in. Any response must be in the form of a question. Correct responses add their price to the score, wrong responses subtract from the score. Extreme Peril doubles the price of the answers.

Both of the first two rounds have two hidden "Double or Nothing" spaces. The Contestant who uncovered the "Double or Nothing" gets to exclusively respond to that answer. They must first wager an amount between zero and double the amount they have (if their score is negative they can bet either NOTHING or DOUBLE, which means they double their negative score if wrong or on a correct response rise to zero.)

The buzzer determines who answers the question. Judges determine all close calls and the Principal Investigator's judgment is final.

Ultimate Peril is where each players gets to wager based on the revealed category. They then write down the response to the answer. Contestant with the highest score wins the grand prize. Ties go to sudden death with an additional question from the Principal Investigator.

Principal Investigator



Principal Investigator

Star Mountain, VA


Random Name

Ay-eye the AI

Artifical Intelligence

Star Mountain, VA

Special Agent

Random Name

[Name Redacted]

Special Agent - AUP Project

Washington, DC


Playing games to save the world from Alien Peril.


We love our fans!

Star Mountain, VA

Email: contact@alienperil.com